Mighty Mite Pickups: Great Guitar Pickups at a Great Price

I stumbled across a set of Mighty Mite pickups on one of my endless hunts for new, cheap, guitar parts on ebay. For me, finding something that delivers awesome function, at a bargain basement price, is like winning the lottery.

When I was in college, a buddy of mine bought an expensive set of B&W bookshelf speakers that he was real proud of. Having no money, that summer I built my own pair of speakers using cheap pearless drivers. That fall, back at college, we had a party, and ended up using my speakers along with his. While checking the sound out before the party, my cheap, particle board speakers, sounded infinitely better than his. On top of watching his speaker ego sink, which was rather enjoyable, I realized that paying a lot of money for something, doesn't mean your getting something better.

At any rate, I needed some pickups to build the guitar you see above. You can check out this link for more info on Bringing a Fender Squire Bullet back to Life .I didn't want to spend much money so I found the Mighty Mite pickups, installed in a loaded pickguard, for $43.00. I mean how could I go wrong, I've paid $43.00 for A pickup. Needless to say I wasn't expecting much.

I got the guitar put together, strung it up, and set it up. Within five minutes I was smiling ear to ear. These Mighty Mite pickups are awesome, I should say the Mighty Mite loaded pickguard is awesome. The tone is incredible, not only is there a large presence of the classic strat quack, but the bell like tones are like nothing I've ever heard from any guitar I own. You lose no tone through the volume control, tone controls work great, the pots themselves are quality, no scratchiness. To boot these are the quietest single coils I've heard to date, far less hum than a set of Fender Tex Mex pickups

I've proven to myself once again, there is so much BS in brand names. If you're caught up in bragging that your guitar has Seymour Duncans, then that's fine, and he makes good pickups. I'd much rather be the guy with the $43.00 mighty mite pickups, standing next to the guy with the Seymour Duncans, who's scratching his head wondering how it's possible that my guitar sounds better. Check out a set of Might Mite pickups if you're looking for an upgrade. JB

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